Monday, February 27, 2006

Hawaii for Christmas?!?

Melissa is takin me home for Christmas!! Whoo hoo! Hawaii!!!! Tell me, is it beautiful?!
p.s. I am checking out on leave in 2 hours and 40 minutes. :-D YEEEEEE!!!!!!

Saturday, February 25, 2006

*Prayer Request*

Hey everybody! :) This is gonna be my last posting before I go home! :) And this is a prayer request or, well, prayer requests I guess. :) Please pray for safe travel as I go from Osaka to DFW to Indy and then back. :)

  • For my squadron, VMFA-212, as they are about to go on deployment and I will not be there with them! :) Please pray for their safe journey to and from and keep them warm over there!!! Keep them all in good health and good spirits! also, I pray for no injuries, mishaps, or liberty incidents. Let everything go smoothly and quickly so that they may come back home in a timely manner! Be with the maintainers as they keep the jets flying and be with the pilots as they go out on their missions. Keep the stress level to a minimum and keep morale high.
  • For my family, both military and blood. Family is everything to me. Keep them all safe and happy. May God Bless them and watch over them thru there life journey. Life is never easy, bu the Lord will always be there to help you thru the tough times. He will never leave you nor forsake you, just don't forget to ask for His help. I think we sometimes forget to lay aside our pride and just ask for help when we need it most. Whether it is from a friend or the Big Man Himself, asking for help never hurts. Sometimes, we all need somebody to lean on.
  • For all the men in my life. Starting with my brothers (all 9 of them) as they continue to grow into fine young men. Lord, please guide them, and give them positive influence through whom ever you see fit. Let them know that You are always with them, and that it is ok to ask for help. Show them the path that you have designed for them. Lead them along the right path. Help them to always know right from wrong. Pick them up when they are down. don't let their pride get in the way. Show them that there is always someone there who cares. And let them know that I love them. I am not the best sister in the world, by far!, but, I love them with all of my heart and would do ANYTHING for them. Let them know that I am here for them if they need someone to talk to, someone to miss, and someone to love them back. My brothers are the best men in my life, right along with my step dad, Jimmy, who has always been there for me. He had tough loving, but, he was always there for us to love. He was always an ear to listen and a shoulder to cry on. :) And I am glad to be his daughter. He is the best. And he knows me better than I do! And, he taught me how to shoot! :) I'm sure that he isn't all that glad that I can do it better than he can tho!! Lol! Father, please be with them all, and let them know that I love and pray for them everyday. And my Papaw as well. He always did tell me that I was the ugliest thing that he had ever seen :) Papaw taught me to look through the mean thing people said, to what they really ment. :) And he taught me how to take things for what they really were. His health is failing these last couple of years, so please watch over him. And let him know I love him and I hope I made him proud.
  • For my mother, who is my bestest friend, who was my only friend for the first 8 years of my life. People tend to think that I exaggerate a little there, but I am being serious. I am ADHD and no one else could handle being around me. My mom had the principal on speed dial, and knew them all by first name because I was in trouble so much. But,she showed me how to calm down, and how to have a normal conversation with ppl. she showed me that I could still be me, but also be someone that everyone could handle being around. :) She has the patience that I someday pray that I will have. She showed me that helping others is more important than than doing things soley for yourself. She taught me that idol hands make idol time. She taught me to clean! :) Marine Corps field day?! Please!! Obviously they have never cleaned with my mother! And she taught me how to love. And that hugs cure anything. And that, sometimes, just being there without saying anything makes everything right in the world. That, just keeping you company can speak more than any words can. That, it is not good to go to bed angry, because you never know if you will be able to say "I love you" in the morning. That " I love you" are the 3 greatest words in any language in the world. She taught me that a kiss on any "booboo" from mom can cure better than a bandaid or stitches (and she has taken me in for those many times). And, she has shown me that no woman looks more beautiful than a mother at 3 am who had to wake up and run out the door in mismatched sweats and fuzzy slippers, w/o brushing her hair, so that she can rush her daughter to the emergency room because she is an idiot. :) And, believe me, she did that more often than you might think! :) My mother is my best friend. And I dunno what I would ever do without her. Please watch over her and keep her safe.
  • For my Angel, Stephanie, who you gave to me early on in life. I honestly do not know how I would have gotten along without her in my life. She is the sunshine in the darkness. And I love her more than she could ever know. I have never loved anyone as much as I love her, and I doubt that I will ever love another as much. Please keep her safe. And may she grow up knowing you and help her to see that you are the Light, Lord. Show her your love and mercy and grace. Give her peace in life. And let her know I love her. She is my pride and joy in life; what keeps me going everyday. :) Please keep her safe.
  • For my friend Kyna and her husband, Rafe. It is hard being far from your other half. But, I know that the Lord will see them through it. And for Kyna's brother, who is a Marine doing his second tour in Iraq. May the Lord keep and bless them all.
  • For the Twins, Anne and Lynne, for always being there. I moved a LOT growing up, and thought a few times that I would never see them again. But, they never let me lose touch. Sometimes it would be a letter here and there, or a phone call, but they still found me. They never let me go. :) And I love them for always sticking it out with me. THey helped me find my way back to God very often. :) ( I tend to get lost by myself along the way...) But, they always help me find my way back again. And they show me that, I am not a horrible person for being lost, I am just human. :) Sometimes as a Marine, I forget that. I feel like I hafta be Super woman all of the time; that I hafta be strong so that my friends know that there is someone there to talk to. I forget that I don't have to be strong all of the time. That I have friends who I can lean on too. And they are always there for me, no matter what. I love them to pieces. Thank you for them Lord. They are a blessing in my life, and one that you have given me. I am so undeserving of friends like them. Thank You.
  • For Lizzy and Melissa. Be with them as well. They are awesome women and wonderful friends. :) We've all been through some tough times together. Let us continue on our journey and always be there for each other. I pray that they always keep you #1 in their lives.
  • To the Halas. They have been great! Bring them peace and happiness. Love them and keep them safe, Father. Bless them greatly; they are wonderful people, and great friends. Let them keep teaching your word and reaching out to others. They have a gift and they use it well. May they be a voice for your Word always.
  • And for everyone else. Don't worry, I didn't forget anyone, I am just running outta room! :) I love you all and may the Lord Bless and keep you safe in all that you do!
  • And last but not least, say a little prayer for me. For my health ( I seem to have had pnuemonia for the last 4 months... joy....) I plan to go to the doctors as soon as I hit the states, so please pray that that goes well. Also, I ask that you pray a prayer of Serenity for me. So that I may accept things that I cannot change. For courage to change things that I can. And, please, for wisdom, so that I may know the difference!

Thank you, Lord, for everything that you have given me. You have blessed me so much and I know that I am deserving of none of it. I hope that I may be a voice for you and that I may help others and show them your ways. May they see you through me - through my actions, my words, and my attitude. Help me to always be the phenominal woman that you have made me to be.

Everyone, take care, and may the Lord Bless you and keep you in all of your ways! I will see you in 30 days!

A Child of Christ the Lord,


Thursday, February 23, 2006


Well, only 5 more days until I go on leave and then the next morning I will be on my way back home to visit for 24 days! :) I can't wait! No one can tell Bug tho! It's her surprise and she doesn't know that I am coming! :D So, shhh!!
Well, here are a couple of pictures that Buggy Girls daddy, Trent, just sent to me! Isn't she soooo adorable! i cannot WAIT to go home and get more pix! I will have so many posted on her and on my my space! It will be unbelievable, let me tell you!!! :) And, if you haven't seen my myspace, then check it out! You can find me under my email address at !!!!! :) Ok? Just go to "Search" and then search by email! ok?! :) See you all in a few days!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Nympheas - By Claude Monet

Well, it's that time again! :) To write everyone and say hello! :) Well, not too much is up with me, except that I am going to lose my mind soon!!! Ah!! :) 13 days, 13 Days, 13 DAYS!!! :-D I cannot WAIT!! Man!! The only thing that I am worried about is maybe getting lost in Dallas Fort Worth!! :) Lol! But hey, I can figure out how to get home from there!! Woo hoo!
So what is new with everyone?! I moved outta my old room and since my new roommate already has a phone, I had mine shut off! :) But, I will try to call over the weekend if I can manage it! :) Ok?! No promises tho! :)
Well, I go and buy my Shin ticket tomorrow! I am sooo excited! A Bullet Train to get from here (Iwakuni) to Osaka (where I am flying out of). :) Boy I can't wait! I am just counting down the days!
Well, there isn't too much to do here at work tonight! 2 of our pilots just got back from ACTI training. They both passed well above average, so congratulation to them!!! Well done Capt's Liberman and Szczepek! Your Lancer family stands behind you all the way!
Well, Ooh-rah, Semper Fi, and the Best of Luck to Everyone! I love and miss you all and will see you soon!! :)
Love forever from far, far away,

Monday, February 13, 2006

Spiritual Warfare

"Ask and ye shall recieve; seek and ye shall find; knock and the door shall be opened to you. For he who asks, recieves; he who seeks, finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened." ~ Luke 11:9-10

Say you had a family member show up in town, in the middle of the night. You needed blankets and pillows for them, but you had no extra. But your neighbor has extras and you know he would lend them to you if you asked. So, you, naturally hating to wake him up in the dead of night, knock on his door rather reluctantly. He asks who is there and you relpy that you need his help with the bedding for your unexpected guests. He replies that he is sleeping and if you would come back in the morning then he would be glad to help you. You pound more insistantly on his door now, saying you need his help now, not later. He grumbles, but, eventually he opens the door and helps you.
Never stop knocking because the door is not opened immediately. Keep banging loudly, and eventually your friend will get up and help you, if only to stop you from knocking. :)

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Memoirs of a Geisha

For those of you who have not read "Memoirs of a Geisha," I highly recommend it! I can't wait to see the movie! If it is as great as the book, it will definately be in my movie collection! I couldn't really put it down! Talk about drama! Not sappy, makes you annoyed with it drama. But, a suspenseful type that keeps you reading and wondering and wanting to know more. Like Dan Brown books! Read it!!! :)

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

No Way Out - Phil Collins

Everywhere I turn, I hurt someone * But there's nothing I can say to change * the things I've done * Of all the things I hid from you * I cannot hide the shame * And I pray someone, something will come * to take away the pain * There's no way out of this dark place * No hope, no future * I know I can't be free * But I can't see another way * I can't face another day * Tell me where, did I go wrong * Everyone I loved, they're all gone * I'd do everything differently * but I can't turn back the time * There's no shelter from the storm * inside of me * There's no way out of this dark place * No hope, no future * I know I can't be free * But I can't see another way * I can't face another day * I can't believe the words I hear * It's like an answer to a prayer When I look around I see * This place, this time, this friend of mine * I know its hard but you found somehow * To look into your heart and * to forgive me now * You've given me the strength to see * just where my journey ends * You've given me the strength * to carry on * I see the path from this dark place * I see my future * Your forgiveness has set me free * On and I can see another way * I can face another day! * I see the path, I can see the path * I see the future * I see the path from this dark place * I see the future * I see the path, I can see the path * I see the future *

Look Through My Eyes - Phil Collins

There are things in life you'll learn and * In time you'll see * Cause out there somewhere * It's all waiting * If you keep believing * So don't run, don't hide * It will be all right * You'll see, trust me * I'll be there watching over you * Just take a look through my eyes * There's a better place * somewhere out there * Just take a look through my eyes * Everything changes * You'll be amazed what you'll find * If you look through my eyes * There will be times on this journey * All you'll see is darkness * Out there somewhere daylight finds you * If you keep believing * So don't run, don't hide * It will be all right * You'll see, trust me * I'll be there watching over you * Just take a look through my eyes * There's a better place * somewhere out there * Just take a look through my eyes * Everything changes * You'll be amazed what you'll find * If you look through my eyes * All the things that you can change * There's a meaning in everything * And you will find all you need * There's so much to understand * Just take a look through my eyes * There's a better place * somewhere out there * Just take a look through my eyes * Everything changes * You'll be amazed what you'll find * If you look through my eyes * Take a look through my eyes*

Friday, February 03, 2006

I'll Be Seeing You - Billie Holiday

Well, as I am sure you can guess by now, I am not in the greatest of moods. :( I'm sorry to show it. But, hey, honesty is the best policy, right? Do you know, that most of the time, when we are truely honest with other ppl, we end up hurting their feelings? Sigh*, well, I am a master at this as of lately. :S But, ya know what, growing up, my mother was never very good at beating around the bush or sugar coating things. She just said things as they were and the other person took it for what it was. A child will do the same thing when telling an adult the truth. They are brutally honest about it. And the truth really is a brutal thing. It is never really what you wanna hear. Most ppl expect for you to tell them what they want to hear in order to comfort them in some way. But, by just telling ppl what they want to hear, and not the truth, you are really doing them an injustice. You are giving them hope in something that can never be. But, I guess I am not one to talk, really. Sometimes, hoping in what we cannot have is what keeps us going sometimes. I hope for something that I know I will never have... sometimes with all of my heart. But, I know I am undeserving of this, so, I will never ask. It is trivial, really, I s'pose, in light of everything that goes on from day to day in our world. And, for another thing, I can't seem to keep from lying to myself. My mind will say one thing to my heart and my heart will say something completely opposite to my mind. And I tell myself that this is ok; that I am just "confused". But, I know better. Who knows you better than you? I just don't like to admit that I have a fear that is so great, and runs so deep, that it completely controls a part of me. I make myself believe it is ok. Because what is the best way to get rid of a problem? Solve it. But, in order to solve it, you need to confront it. And I am just not ready to do this. I try so hard to bury it from my mind so why in the world would I try and confront it?! Because, with a fear this great, confronting it usually means getting "outside help". And....well... sigh... I just am not ready to talk about it. So, I guess I am doing an injustice to myself by saying it will all be ok, but in truth, until I confront it, I never will truely be ok....

Well, if you are wondering why I am so grouchy, it probably has a little to do with fact that I am still at work and it is 3:30 am. :( {I have to be at a basketball game for one of the kids I babysit for at 0900. :) And then I babysit for The Read Family at 5 or so. Well, I guess I can getta litle nap in between, huh? :) } and it doesn't help that we just had 150+ Gallon fuel spill that we had to clean up. :( I was DRENCHED in fuel from swapping barrels in and out from the drain port! :S Jet fuel burns! Lol, oh well. at least we fixed it. :) So, I should really be more thankful. No one was hurt. And things could have been much worse than still being here. The worst that can happen is that we meet day crew and then go home and I shower and go straight to the game, no nap. :) But I've done more on less sleep! Like, SNOWBOARDING!! :) And horseback riding with the girls in the middle of the night when we were little girls! :) Shh! Don't tell!

I love everyone very much and miss you all to pieces! But, I hope to see you all very soon! :) You are in my prayers and dreams. Please keep me in yours as well. :) ~ Love forever, Jess

p.s. Happy Birthday Dad.