"Ask and ye shall recieve; seek and ye shall find; knock and the door shall be opened to you. For he who asks, recieves; he who seeks, finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened." ~ Luke 11:9-10
Say you had a family member show up in town, in the middle of the night. You needed blankets and pillows for them, but you had no extra. But your neighbor has extras and you know he would lend them to you if you asked. So, you, naturally hating to wake him up in the dead of night, knock on his door rather reluctantly. He asks who is there and you relpy that you need his help with the bedding for your unexpected guests. He replies that he is sleeping and if you would come back in the morning then he would be glad to help you. You pound more insistantly on his door now, saying you need his help now, not later. He grumbles, but, eventually he opens the door and helps you.
Never stop knocking because the door is not opened immediately. Keep banging loudly, and eventually your friend will get up and help you, if only to stop you from knocking. :)
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