Thursday, February 23, 2006


Well, only 5 more days until I go on leave and then the next morning I will be on my way back home to visit for 24 days! :) I can't wait! No one can tell Bug tho! It's her surprise and she doesn't know that I am coming! :D So, shhh!!
Well, here are a couple of pictures that Buggy Girls daddy, Trent, just sent to me! Isn't she soooo adorable! i cannot WAIT to go home and get more pix! I will have so many posted on her and on my my space! It will be unbelievable, let me tell you!!! :) And, if you haven't seen my myspace, then check it out! You can find me under my email address at !!!!! :) Ok? Just go to "Search" and then search by email! ok?! :) See you all in a few days!

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