Sunday, March 26, 2006

Phalaenopsis Orchids, my favorite!

oooooohhhhh...... aren't they pretty?! I LOVE orchids! Even if they don't have a real perfume to them, I still love them. the way they feel, the way they look. The way they keep me company in my room when I am by myself! :-) Lol! Can you tell which picture is mine? Hmm... very mysterious....

Happy Birthday Kevin!

Hey Kev! Just wanted to drop in and say happy birthday! OMGosh! You're a real bonafied teenager now! Ah! The world is coming to an end! Look out for Armaggedon! :-) I'm just playin Kev! have a GREAT bday! I love you, miss you, and hope to see you soon! :-) Muah! ~Sis

Saturday, March 25, 2006

E.E. Cumming- I carry your heart (I carry it in my heart)

I carry your heart with me(i carry it in my heart)

i carry your heart with me(i carry it in
my heart)i am never without it(anywhere
i go you go,my dear;and whatever is done
by only me is your doing,my darling)
i fear
no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)i want
no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you
here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows
higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart
i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)

* I wanna dedicate this to my Stephanie. I love her more than I have ever loved another being. And I miss her more than words could say. I want her to know that I love her with every breath I have in me, and I love her more than the air I breathe. :-) Lord, please send your Angels to watch over my little Angel.....keep her safe....

Walking around Iwakuni

Hey there everybody! Well, as you can see, I have made it back to Japan alright! :)A few ppl are left back from deployment, so, we went out for Sushi! At my favorite little restraunt! And here are some picture for y'all to enjoy of our day out!

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Leaving Day

Well, today is the day. I'm hoppin a flight to Dallas Fort Worth and then on to Osaka. Then comes the fun hours of trains back to Iwakuni. At least it will be the Shin tho (Shinkansen or Bullet Train). So here's not goodbye, just until we meet again! I am going to miss you all sooo very much! But I will be back soon! Only 10 months left to go! You will all be in my prayers! Just know that I love you very much!
Top to Bottom: Me and my little brother, Kevin (can you tell that I am trying not to cry?!); Me and my Pop, Jimmy; Me and my mommy, Danette; Me and my Stephanie-Bug (isn't she getting so big! Almost as tall as I am!); and if you look REALLY hard, you can see mom and Steph waving out the window of the airport to me (at this point I gave up trying not to cry!!! :'-(

Cook Out at Mamaw and Papaw's!

:-) Pop had a great idea to have a cook out over at grandma and grandpa's so that I could say goodbye to everyone! I miss them all already! But, we had sooo much fun! Uncle Jeff grilled, while mom and mamaw made the other stuff on the stove! :) We all got together and shot the guns! so much fun!! Believe me, I really missed that! We can't shoot anything over in Japan! There isn't any room! :-( Sigh* But, we had fun! I wish I could put the videos on here! I out shoot my brother... ;-) [It's fun to rub it in sometimes!] :) Heehee...
So, here are a few pix! From top to bottom is: Uncle Jeff grillin; mom and mamaw workin the puzzle; Stephy beside the fire after roasting marshmellows; Kev with a few of the guns; Pop, Kev and papaw hangin around talkin! :-)

Friday, March 17, 2006

Spending time at home! :-)

this is just me hanging out at home! playin with Stephanie and Matthew (Justice is at his dad's). And we can't forget the lap dog! :) and my beautiful mother, of course!
from top to bottom: Matthew the Human Garbage Disposal! And boy does he love Oranges! Haha!
Aww! Baby fell asleep! He had a long day! Shadow is tired too, although she just laid around all day. :-) she thought that he must have needed company! :)
There is my beautiful mommy! :) and then there's me! See any resemblance!?

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Moultrie, Ga

Just a few shots of where Granma and Grandpa Bickel live! :) There are a few from around their house and some of grandma and grandpa! I don't have the ones of all of us together! I need to get them from Grandma and Grandpa! :-p

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Spider Man down I-75

haha!!! Jen was mortified when I put on Justice's Spider man outfit (that Beth gave him) and then plastered my face to the window as we went up I-75!!! :-D I just STARED at the ppl we passed it was sooo funny! Jen thought it was funny when I started to get mad because ppl wouldn't get nosey and look into our window! The nerve! Whatever happened to nosey ppl! Lol! :-)

Aunt Tammy!

Even tho we only got to spend about an hour with aunt tammy before she had to go do a wedding and we had to get on the road, it was still fun!!! :-) We ate breakfast at Denny's and took a bunch of pictures! I wish we had more time to spend with everyone! Grr! Why does time have to go by so quickly when you are seeing family that you haven't seen for years?!?!? Arh!!
But, it was still great to see her and visit while we could!! And we even saw Jared! He is getting soo big! Almost 5?! Wow!

Leaving! :-(

well, it is time to go! :( I'm sooo sad! We have to say good-bye this morning to go and see aunt Tammy before heading up to Georgia to spend the night with Grandma and Grandpa! Happy to getta chance to see everyone, but it is still sad to leave! But, I will be back! I promise!! Just help me count down the days! MUAH! I love you all! I will talk to you soon!

5 of 9

Most people freak when I tell them I have 9 brothers. :-) I love the reaction! I remember when they used to flip over 7! Most people couldn't imagin such a big family, but, I have always loved my big family. And I love that it is getting bigger! These are 5 of my 9 brothers who live with my step-parents, Beth and Ron, in Orlando, Florida! Josh, almost 16; R.J., I'm gonna go with 13 ,hmmmm...; Chris, 12; Bryan is almost 12 too, I think; Matt, almost 7. Hmm, looks like I need to do some better memorizing!! So...many...brothers...can't...remember...!!! Ah! :-) But I wouldn't change it for the world! I just need to get my ages and birthdays straightened out! Whew! :)
I love you guys, and if you ever need anything, you let me know! I am always here for you, even when I am far away. Remember, I am only a phone call away, and 2 flights if it is SUPER important!! I Love You Guys! ~ Love Sis

From top to Bottom: Josh, Bryan, Matt (and Matt!), R.J., and Chris