Sunday, March 12, 2006

On our way Down South!

:- ) Well, here we are on our way down South to visit the family! :) First stop- Florida! We are going to go and see Beth and the Boys! We are gonna meet Beth's Hubby Ron and our 2 new brothers. R.J. and Bryan! We haven't seen Josh, Chris, and Matt in about 12 years! Wow! Has it really been that long?! Boy, I really am a horrible sister!! But I still can't wait to see them!! :) Here are some stops along the way! And believe me, it was nice to go from heat to A/C once we hit Georgia!! :- D We also plan to pop in and see Aunt Tammy while we are in Florida. Then, we are going up to Georgia to see Grandma and Grandpa Bickel! :) Then homeward bound! :- ) Muah!

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