Saturday, June 24, 2006

Hiroshima with Kyna!!

So, Beresh's wife is here until August anshe is getting to see a lot of Japan! Her hubby had duty so, we went to HIROSHIMA and spent the afternoon being a tourist!! I'm sure I'm not a good guide tho, since I live here and am used to it!! So, nothing is really new to me since I live here and am used to it all!! We did get to look around the Parco outdoor shopping complex! And we went to eat Tokoyaki (sp?!) at one of my favorite little restraunts, GON!!! :-)
Then we headed off to the Peace Park Memorial! We went thru the museum, the panorama, and to the A-bomb Dome! We took all sorts of pictures!! It has been a WHILE since I have been there!! I forgot just how moving of an experience it was to visit there. A lady broke into tears in the museum. Do you know that in the museum, there are 2 walls that are covered on each side with letters from the Mayor of Hiroshima to our Ambassador (and even to the President himself) that are written every time we have nuclear testing, begging us to be peaceful. I've sat and read every one of them. They are very moving. I almost cried when the little old Japanese woman broke into tears!! I can't stand it when other ppl cry!!
But, all in all, Kyna and I had fun! THen we came back and watched girly movies and she crashed over here! I hope I getta show her around more! She is awesome!! Rafe is really lucky!!
Well, I need to getta move on and call Josh! I promised to wake his butt up! Muah!