Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Marine Lingo

ok, so, I seem to confuse everyone with the Marine Lingo! Lol! I forget that everyone doesn't know what I am talking about! Haha!
Well, the AMI is Aviation Maintenance Inspection. This is a BIG/HUGE inspection for us air wingers! This can make or break a squadron. If we fail any area of this inspection, we can be kept from flying, or, if it is really bad, our whole squadron can get shut down. That's bad! So, please pray for us as we go thru this very stressful time!! It's crazy around here!
What else?? Oh! 6 months out!! This means in 6 months I am due to rotate and PCS (permenant change of duty station) to my next squadron. It is up in the air right now where I will go. That is where the monitor comes in. It is his job to decide where everyone goes! So, now I am just waiting on word back from him telling me where I can go and if I get to go to the place that I chose or not. Which is 121 in Miramar!
WTI is Weapons Training Instructor and is mostly us going to support our pilots while they do their weapons training. I am excited cuz I getta go!! And CDI is just a higher responsibility position in our shops meaning we can supervise and ok work done by someone else ( ex: a worker). Its better to go and be in charge than go and be an errands person. You learn alot too! I can't wait. It will suck with the 12 on 12 off working hours, but, it will all work out!! :-) And I getta spend time with Josh! He will be there! No telling how much time we will spend together, due to work, but hey, its worth a shot! :-P
So, have I forgotten anything?! I think I've about covered Marine Lingo here... yup, I htink that about does it! haha! All good now Annie?! heehee! Anymore questions, just let me know!
Right now I am at work, sitting in the shop, waiting for the rain to stop. Ya know, I'm ok with rain sometimes. As long as I choose to go into it. I am a dry person by nature. And my boots are wet. Sigh* I'm in for a very miserable day. :-S
Love and miss you all very much!! Mom, turn your phone back on!!!!!

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