Well, not too much goin on in my world right now. At work..... obviously not to busy!! Lol! :-) It's Friday and I can't wait to get outta here for the night! The guys are talkin about makin Italian food tonight! mmmm! Awesome! I haven't had good spagetti since jenny girl left here! Jen jen! Has Leyla made her way into the world yet!? My Leyla baby!!! Yea!
Lol, Ok, so I'm not makin much sense that way! I'm in a good mood, if you can't tell! The sun is shining for the first time in about 2 weeks! And it's not scorching hot!!!
Stephy bug, I got your package today!! I love the butterfly baby! I miss you tons! I will come home and see you as soon as I am done here ok?! You just be good for your Nanna and Papaw! I know that you are starting school in a couple weeks so, don't give Nanna a hard time when you go school cloths shopping! I Love You!~
Hey my Twinnies!! I really miss you guys!! It's been a while!! Lynnie is traveling around the world! And I hope you're feeling better Annie! I know that you have been sick and a little down hearted about the summer not going as planned! But, the Lord know what He is doing and He has great things planned for you, even if you can't see what they are right now. Just keep your eyes and ears open and be willing to Trust in Him with all your heart. Ok?Love you girls!
Lizzy-girl... I haven't talked to you in a while either! I hope things are going great at home and with Andre! I'm sure you're ready to get back to school! Good luck this year! Oh, and I took a look at your blog - awesome pics girl!! You're a natural!
heehee, pure boredom....
ok, I'm going now! Maybe I will get offa here and try to do something productive for the day. I doubt it, but maybe... :-D
p.s. Josh!!! Where are you?! I miss you!
1 comment:
jess, you DO have too much free time on your hands :) silly girl
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