Well, things are going well enough here in Japan. Nothing to exciting going on. We've been really busy with a full work load, a full flight schedule and Change of Command/SgtMjr Retirement Ceremony practices all week long. The SgtMjr's retirement is on Tuesday (and I can't wait for it to be over!) I am 1st Squad Leader for 212's 2nd Platoon. Believe me, it's not as exciting as it sounds! Lol! But, it's really not so bad. Just time consuming and hot!
Other than that Iwakuni is the same old same old. I saw lightening last night for the third time in almost 2 years! It's not all that common! And it's not like the States; here where there is lightening there is not thunder. Odd, but still beautiful! I miss watching the storms back home!! Sometimes I wish I could be there instead. Not beacuse I don't enjoy being a Marine, but because sometimes I feel as if my world at home is falling apart without me. And the worst thing is... is that there is really nothing that I can do about it. My brother's and sister's choices are their own and I really have no input or influence in that department anymore. All I can really say to them is that I love them very much and I will always be here for them. I will never give up on them, even if I don't always agree with what they are doing. Some of them are adults, and the choices they make now will only hinder, hurt, or help them in the long run. But, guys, I do love you. And I am always here if you need someone to talk to... as a friend, or as a sister.~
Mom got the phone turned back on so now I can talk to her! And my baby girl! I missed everyone so much! I am so glad that I get to talk to you guys again! I have so much to tell you, mom!
Things are kinda changing! For good, I think, but changing none the less! I'm excited and scared all at the same time! I have never really been down this road before... I have attempted to travel it in the past but, it was always too long of a road for me. All the shadowy places along the way scared me more than I had ever cared to admit. And now, I am at this same road that I have just kept coming back to. Only, this time, I am ready to go. I know walking is the safest choice, but somedays I am ready to run! Crazy what time can do to a person, huh? :-D
I know what I want to do, but, I am waiting because in chess, you can't just skip ahead to your turn when you see an awesome move. You must wait for the other player to move. So, I have my pawns in place, and my knights and so on and so forth... now it's the other player's move. Where will he move? Or, will he? Check... it's your move, Stranger...
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