Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Pics From Josh

Here is Josh and one of his guys, Swarchz (?), the day that they were s'posed to leave (14 Feb 07). I am still so thankful that I got to spend one more day with him!!!!!

Here is my baby in Greece!! (at least, I THINK that's where he was in this one lol!) Isn't he handsome?!

And here is my baby in Iraq, doin some crazy stuff, I don't even know what! Lol!! But, it made me smile for once! I'm so glad that we can keep in contact now by email. He can email me most days, and, every other day or so, I get a phone call. That's what I look forward to the most; hearing his voice...

Ya know, I was talking to one of my girlfriends today and she pointed out something very important to me, granted, it was something I already knew but, something I'm think about often because so many ppl point it out to me - I have a wonderful man. Josh is the greatest husband in the world. I am so thankful for him and I make sure to thank God for him everyday. He treats me better than I think I will ever deserve in one lifetime! He treats me like I am a queen. He looks at me like the universe revolves around me. And he loves me like the world will end any minute. Josh is my other whole that completes me; the other part of my heart. I can't even see how my life would have been up to this point without him in it and I never even want to imagine a life without him. He makes me want to be a better person. He makes me want to get up every morning and do my absolute best at everything. I can never stop talking about him, telling ppl how wonderful he is and what a hard worker he is and what a great leader he is. And I cannot believe that I am the luckiest person alive - because he chose me. When he could have had any other, he chose me. And I love him with all my heart. I miss you Josh and can't WAIT until you come back to me. Be safe & know that I love you SOOOOO MUCH and am dreaming of you always....Love to the end of time, your wife, Jess

Sunday, February 25, 2007

We Miss You

Well, not too much to tell here lately.... just that I bought a new computer last night! A HP desktop! It's nice! Now I can email from home and post new blogs!! Lol!
Well, My Love, here are me and your babies saying
"We Miss You"!!!

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Yellow Ribbons And Roses

Yellow Roses for Josh until he comes home.... :'-)
Baby, this is me missing you.... so much.... I'll wait for you.....

Friday, February 23, 2007

730 days until EAS....

Ok, well, no pictures this time, sorry... I just wanted to give you an update on how things are goin here.
Well, I think nothing has really changed since I last wrote in. I'm still going to 101. I still have a million Dr.'s appt. because they are unsure what triggers the nerve pain. Josh is still in Iraq for the next 200 days or so. :-( Josh made it to Iraq on Wednesday. The time difference from there to San Diego is almost like it was in Japan. If it's 7am here it's 6pm there tomorrow. Just FYI. :-) And, I have his address so, if you wanna send him letters (NOT packages!) Just ask me and I'll mail it to y'all.
What else?.... um.
... my kitties are getting bigger. They went to the vet for their check- up (they were sick) and Aspen weighed in at 8.2 lbs and Pyro was 7.6 lbs. So, they're gettin big! :-) And they keep me company. :-) And my parents and Steph and probably my 14 yr old brother Kevin, along with the 2 dogs Shadow and Cyber, are coming out to visit me this summer. Probably late July or August sometime. I'm excited about that!
Well, I need to go (at work). I think they're done with the Maintenance Meeting and are coming back, so.... I love you all and miss you tons! And to my Wonderful Husband ~ I really miss you! And I'm just counting down the days until I see you again... Love forever~ your wife~ Jess

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Little Miss Duty

So, Josh left NAS Oceana (Virginia Beach) this morning around 1:21 my time. He called me and we said our "until later"s. It was sad. I cried again. I'm such a big baby!
But, no matter what, I know that the Lord will see us thru. He always has. And 7 months will go by fast. I know that the two of us will keep ourselves busy, so the days will seem quicker. I'm just not looking forward to the waiting for the calls. I guess it's how Josh felt when I was in Japan. Always having to wait for me to call, never being able to call when ever you wanna hear their voice. Hearing Josh's voice always makes me feel better. :-) I still have some messages from him on my voice mail so, maybe that will help. And re-reading his cute texts that he sent me in the last 4 months. :-)
I hope to work part time at Barnes and Nobles, and the Stables. It will help time pass quickly, as I said earlier. And with all of my Dr.s appointments, work will go by quick as well. Oh, did I tell anyone yet that I am transfering squadrons?? Yup, I'm going to VFA-101, because I am non-deployable due to the fact that my arm's jacked up. So, I will be here when Josh gets back!!! YEEE!!!! :-D I won't be leaving Miramar, just going across the flight line!!
Well, I'm going to go ~ I'm on duty!! Bored as crap, but, oh well. I'm gonna read my book now. I love you guys! And I MISSSSSSSS YOU, JOSH!!! I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART!! ALWAYS.....

Thursday, February 15, 2007

The Countdown Begins

So, no such luck of Josh staying another day. :'-( All the jets successfully launched out at 0730 this morning. SO, we said a very tearful good bye and they walked over to the C-130. And I just cried and cried as I watched it taxi to the runway and then take off. I'm not sure how long I stood there but, it hurt too bad to move and walk away. Maybe I thought that if I stood there long enough it would come back... I dunno. But, Josh is on his way to Iraq. They had a layover in Virginia Beach due to the severe weather trouble on the East Coast. Then it's off across the big blue. I'll keep you posted more as I know more.

And to my Husband~ I love you with all my heart! I will miss you more each day and I will think of you all the time. And when I dream of you at night, I will smile because I know that somewhere in this big old world, you are dreaming of me to. And the time will fly and we will be together again soon. That's what I'll hang on to. And when someone asks me where my husband is, I'll smile and say to them " he's fighting for me..."
I love you with all of my heart and soul!
Love Forever,

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Surprise V-Day Present!

me and my handsome husband one our first Valentine's Day!!! I love you Josh!!!

my beautiful bouquet!

<------ Daddy and his babies! So, today, I got the best Valentine's Day surprise ever! 5 of Josh's jets had to come back due to complications with the Air Force's Tanker! So, we got to spend one more night together! And it just happened to be Valentine's Day!!
We went out to eat at this outstanding little Mexican Food place called On The Border!! It was amazing! I enjoyed spending more time with him! One more day is never enough. Maybe they'll get stuck here again tomorrow...

Saturday, February 10, 2007

One Month Anniversary

My baby is good in the kitchen! He made an OUTSTANDING dinner of Lemon Chicken, Fried Oakra, Green Beans, and Mashed Potatos! And Jake made an awesome fruit salad! ( I just took pictures!)
Here is Josh packing and Jake hangin out, watching Ice Age. (We made a movie night of it and watched Ice Age 1 and 2!)
Hey all ~ Well, our one month was spent spending time together with our good friend, Jake, and packing for Iraq. :-( Sad, sad day. 4 more days.... sigh* I hope these next 7 months go by fast...

Update the House Pics

this is our living room

this is the second bedroom which really acts as a storage/ computer room / cats play area! Lol! and there's also the bathroom (only the first 1/2) and the little corner of our pictures that I thought is cute! The only rooms that aren't on here are the master bedroom, the kitchen and the 1/4 bathroom. Sorry! Josh is packing and things are everywhere! :-)

This is Jake in our little dining room area! Like the fans? There from Thailand!


Today Josh packs. It's really sad for both of us. I keep trying not to cry; my goal is to make it thru the weekend w/o crying. Because I am afraid if I do, I just won't be able to stop. So, we don't talk about him leaving.

:-) I did good! I bought him a PSP and Madden '07 to take with him on his trip! He is really excited about getting to play with it! Although, he was a little upset @ me because, well, they aren't really cheap! Lol! But, he'll get over it! I wanted to buy it for him! Heehee! My first "sneaky little wife present"!!! :-D

I'm gonna keep this short tho! He needs to pack this ocmputer and I'm gonna clean house a little while he packs, so that way we have the rest of the time to just spend with each other.

I'm also throwing in a few pictures of the cats! Sorry that they aren't very good- my camera is getting kinda old (and USED!) so, it acts up sometimes! But, they work! The gray one with her daddy is Pyro and the black fuzzy one is my baby, Aspen. (it was going to be snowball, but I liked Aspen better!)

Lots of love ~ Jess

Friday, February 09, 2007

The Days are Numbered...5.....

As I am sure that most of you have figured out (those of you who can count), that time has come. Josh and I are down to our last 5 days together; our very last weekend for 7 + months. my squadron it working tomorrow - oh joy. But, I am not going to complain or whine. And I'm going to try really hard to go thru the weekend w/o crying; I want our last couple of days to be happy ones, not sad ones. I won't lie tho, it seems like all I ever really wanna do anymore is just burst into tears at the mere thought of him leaving me, even tho I know that he will be back in 7 months. Sometimes when I think about it, I just want to throw up. I rarely really feel like eating, but, I do it because I don't want ppl to ask me questions, because then I will just cry! I'm afraid that maybe I am pulling away from Josh, because maybe then it won't hurt. The Chaplain explained something to us at Josh's squadron picnic - he said this: first, your gonna be angry because they're leaving or @ whatever is taking them away from you; then you will be in denial of them leaving at all; then you'll draw away from them, to try and cushion the blow. I remember when he said all this, I was like "whatever." I said that would never happen to us. But, now that I think back, he's right. And now all I wanna do is cry...

But, I don't want anyone to feel sorry for either of us; instead I would ask one thing from you. Pray. Pray for Josh on his journey there and back, to keep him safe. Pray that the time will pass quickly. Pray for his safety while he is working and the safety for his guys. Pray for our hearts to grow fonder and closer together while we are apart. Pray for God to take hold of our lives and do great things in our marriage. And pray for strength- that it will get easier everyday.

As for me, I am going to smile because I can. Because I am so happy to have been so undeservinly blessed in my life. Because I have the greatest man in the world as my husband. Because we have discovered a love that many ppl in there life can never even imagine. And because, no matter what, I trust the Lord and the things that He has planned for us. So, just pray with me and don't worry about me. (If anything, worry for Josh. )
We are going to spend our last weekend together finishing our apartment and just enjoying each other's company. We may even have a few of his guys over for a nice, home cooked meal. :) Who knows? I'm up for anything.

And to Josh - you are my heart, my soul mate, the other part that makes me whole. While you are gone, I will dream about you, and cry for you, and laugh with you, and love you always. You
will be in my heart and on my mind every second of everyday that you are gone. And I will be counting the days until you come back to me. Until then, I will bake for you and send you things that will remind you of me everyday. And I will keep you in my prayers, just like I always do...
be safe, be careful, and above all else, come back to me... I love you... Yours forever, Your Wife, Jess

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Update - Leaving Soon

So, I don't yet have many pictures of our new apartment, but I will try and update soon with some. :-) And some of our two little kitties!
So, most of you probably already know that Josh is leaving soon to go to Iraq with his squadron! :-( And when I say soon, I mean like next week. For about the next 7 months. Sigh* I know that he has to go and do his duty just like everyone else, but that doesn't make it any
easier for me. Or him either, I'm sure. I know that he would rather be here with me.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Prayer for Friends


As children bring their broken toys
With tears for us to mend.
I brough my broken dreams to God
Because He was my Friend.

But then instead of leaving Him
In Peace to work alone,
I hung around and tried to help
With ways that were my own.

At last I snatched them back and cried,
"How can You be so slow!"-
" My child," He said,
"What could I do?
You never did let go."


* Remember guys, 1 Chorinthians 13:7. Josh and I are gonna let you borrow this from us ;-) It's our strong hold while he is deployed for 6 months in Iraq. Maybe His words will help you, too.