Here is my baby in Greece!! (at least, I THINK that's where he was in this one lol!) Isn't he handsome?!
And here is my baby in Iraq, doin some crazy stuff, I don't even know what! Lol!! But, it made me smile for once! I'm so glad that we can keep in contact now by email. He can email me most days, and, every other day or so, I get a phone call. That's what I look forward to the most; hearing his voice...

Ya know, I was talking to one of my girlfriends today and she pointed out something very important to me, granted, it was something I already knew but, something I'm think about often because so many ppl point it out to me - I have a wonderful man. Josh is the greatest husband in the world. I am so thankful for him and I make sure to thank God for him everyday. He treats me better than I think I will ever deserve in one lifetime! He treats me like I am a queen. He looks at me like the universe revolves around me. And he loves me like the world will end any minute. Josh is my other whole that completes me; the other part of my heart. I can't even see how my life would have been up to this point without him in it and I never even want to imagine a life without him. He makes me want to be a better person. He makes me want to get up every morning and do my absolute best at everything. I can never stop talking about him, telling ppl how wonderful he is and what a hard worker he is and what a great leader he is. And I cannot believe that I am the luckiest person alive - because he chose me. When he could have had any other, he chose me. And I love him with all my heart. I miss you Josh and can't WAIT until you come back to me. Be safe & know that I love you SOOOOO MUCH and am dreaming of you always....Love to the end of time, your wife, Jess
1 comment:
I love you too baby! And I am the luck one! MUAH!
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