Friday, February 23, 2007

730 days until EAS....

Ok, well, no pictures this time, sorry... I just wanted to give you an update on how things are goin here.
Well, I think nothing has really changed since I last wrote in. I'm still going to 101. I still have a million Dr.'s appt. because they are unsure what triggers the nerve pain. Josh is still in Iraq for the next 200 days or so. :-( Josh made it to Iraq on Wednesday. The time difference from there to San Diego is almost like it was in Japan. If it's 7am here it's 6pm there tomorrow. Just FYI. :-) And, I have his address so, if you wanna send him letters (NOT packages!) Just ask me and I'll mail it to y'all.
What else?.... um.
... my kitties are getting bigger. They went to the vet for their check- up (they were sick) and Aspen weighed in at 8.2 lbs and Pyro was 7.6 lbs. So, they're gettin big! :-) And they keep me company. :-) And my parents and Steph and probably my 14 yr old brother Kevin, along with the 2 dogs Shadow and Cyber, are coming out to visit me this summer. Probably late July or August sometime. I'm excited about that!
Well, I need to go (at work). I think they're done with the Maintenance Meeting and are coming back, so.... I love you all and miss you tons! And to my Wonderful Husband ~ I really miss you! And I'm just counting down the days until I see you again... Love forever~ your wife~ Jess

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