Well, not too much to tell here lately.... just that I bought a new computer last night! A HP desktop! It's nice! Now I can email from home and post new blogs!! Lol! Well, My Love, here are me and your babies saying "We Miss You"!!!
I miss you more. You look beautiful in all those pictures. MmmmmmmmmmmMMmmmmmm! I am the luckiest person in the world. You are the love of my life, and I can not wait to hold you again. Yours. :)
aw jess, you have the best husband ever!! He loves and cherishes you so much, and you guys are my favorite marine couple ever!! Love ya and I am praying for both of you! yay you got a computer so now you can check Ty and my blog!!! guess what??! 4 days til we leave for Colorado!!!
I just got married to the most wonderful man on Earth on 11 January 2007! I am no longer Jessie Fail, but Mrs. Jessica Quigley! Josh, my husband, and I are currently stationed on MCAS Miramar, in Sunny Cali!!! And we will both finish out our tours in the Marine Corps here before we move into the mountains of Colorado one day!
My favorite little person of all time! Stephanie Nicole!! My 7 year old niece...
The Perfect Day
Me and Steph kissing Rosie not 30 minutes before Josh asked me to marry him!! And she had just gotten 10 inches of her hair donated to Locks of Love that very morning!
Well, I would much rather look at pictures of Josh all day than pics of what I do!! Not that it's not fun or anything but, MAN! Doesn't he look GOOD in uniform?!?!
I miss you more. You look beautiful in all those pictures. MmmmmmmmmmmMMmmmmmm! I am the luckiest person in the world. You are the love of my life, and I can not wait to hold you again.
Yours. :)
aw jess, you have the best husband ever!! He loves and cherishes you so much, and you guys are my favorite marine couple ever!! Love ya and I am praying for both of you! yay you got a computer so now you can check Ty and my blog!!! guess what??! 4 days til we leave for Colorado!!!
josh is sooo sweet!
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