Saturday, March 31, 2007

Balboa Island

Wow!! This was one crazy 24 hour experience, lemme tell ya! Haha, as one with Melissa always is! :-) So, Melissa invites me to go and stay with her for the weekend on Balboa Island at her Uncle Bob's house. Of course, I agree and we left about 6pm (bad traffic!!) to head up towards Long Beach, Ca. On our way we stop for a bite to eat. Well, long story short, I managed to back the Blazer into a tree AFTER looking in all 3 mirrors and turning around! Stupid tree.... grumble grumble... so, after sitting there for an hour talking to the insurance company while Melissa walked next door to Jack-In-The-Box, we are back on our way! I was so angry with myself the whole way too! I'm sorry Melissa, I'm sure I wasn't a very fun person!Especially once dad laughed at me and made me cry! Bad Dad! ;-)
So, we get up there later than expected! I finally get to meet Uncle Bob, who is just as crazy (if not more so!) than Melissa! I also was able to meet Uncle Martin, melissa's father's brother. He was super nice too! Well, since it was so late and I was hungry ( I had been too frustrated to eat!) and Melissa was hungry again (high motabilizm ppl...) and Uncle Martin was hungry, we all 4 went and got chineese food! And it wa AMAZING!!! Baby, when you get back, I am driving you the 2 hours up there to eat!! We can make a road trip og it! (You're driving this time!!!)
Then we met some interesting friends and all stayed up until 2am! Haha! It wasn't until the next morning that I got to see the rest of this amazing house! Isn't it gorgeous?!? Boy, I sure wish that I could add more pictures on here! Whew!! A BEAUty!!! Here are just a glimpse of a few rooms and Melissa and I being CRAZY!! Haha! Oh, btw, he has an elevator in his house!!1 It goes up to all 3 floors! WOW!!! And, fyi, Uncle Bob is a HUGE UCLA fan! :-) He had a flag hanging and signs and everything! It was cute! I can't wait to go back sometime with Melissa and take more pics! Oh, and our last meal there was at a WOW-O-WOW amazing Italian place called "Ciao"!!! I recommend eating there EVERYONE at least once in a lifetime!!
Gotta go make dinner! MUAH!~

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

129 days...

To keep you all updated: Josh is doing well and the days seem to be going by quickly. His shop has started out there( running and working out together) so, it helps time to fly.

They are working hard, as always. If you've known Josh for more than 5 minutes you'd know not to expect anything less. :) He's a hard charger. Not just in the Marine Corps, but at life.

Other than that, there is not too much else to update. I just got to work so, this has to stay short!!! I LOVE YOU BABYY!!! With all of my heart... Forever yours, Jess

Friday, March 23, 2007

God has great creations!

So, I really like to look at some of the images that NASA's Hubble Telescope cooks up from time to time. (Which means everyday I check their website for awesome pics!) And, in doing so, I have figured something out...

God makes some super awesome stuff! :-) I mean, LOOK @ THIS!! And these things are thousands of light years away!

But, ya wanna know I always wonder? If God made all this stuff, whatelse did he put out there? Because if we are all there is... it's just a big waste of space...

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

New Post, New Pics!!

YEEE!! Josh has sent me new pics!! I LOVE THIS ONE!! Doesn't he look HOTT? :-D (Don't answer that!)

Anyway, he is doing well, living each day as it comes!! He is unhappy tho, because he has been ORDERED (Joshua!) to stop doing EVERYTHING!! Which, if you know Josh, is impossible! But, his Top and Gunner are serious. They don't want him to continue to do everything for his guys anymore. They need to learn to live w/o him, because once they come back, Josh will be there for only a short time before he goes to 101 (with me!). So, they need to learn to live without their Golden Child, their Wizard, their Superman. :-) He is working on other things now! Like, (hopefully) looking for a site for the wedding and stuff like that! Playing his PSP, doing his workbook, ANYTHING. As long as he is not working. We'll see how long it lasts. :-) It's all a matter of who's will is stronger. And I think I know the answer to that one...
ANYWAY!! As for me, well, I'm just hanging out at work again! I am on Limited Duty so, I can't really do anything! So, I just mess around on the computer, waiting for the time to go by, emailing Josh, and hoping for his calls!
Well, I better go! Josh~ You are my heart... I love you with all of it!!!~ Love, me
p.s. Check out facebook!
p.p.s Guess who went to a Craig Morgan Concert last night? Ya, that'd be me! FRONT ROW!!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

30 days down... 143 to go!

Well, here is an update for everyone, although there really isn't too much to update so far, I don't think...

First off, today has marked the first 30 days that Josh has been in Iraq. :-) We've FINALLY made it thru the first 30 days!! Now we have 143 (142.7) days left to go, according to my "Josh Tracker"!! Lol! And that's just a "guessing date" so, it may be a little longer, we don't know for sure. :-S
But, it's ok! We're getting thru this!! Haha, I emailed that to Josh this morning and he just said "Of course we did! We will make it thru anything!" :-) And he's right... we always will. Thru anything. Together. :-)
As for me here, things are going ok. Still dunno when I am headed over to 101. By end of April was the last word that I got. Hope they tell me soon! Cuz, I need to make my way to Texas so I can visit Josh's family and bring his truck back along with our bed and a few pieces of big furniture. Whew! It's gonna be a long drive back by myself! But, I will be extremely happy to see his family again!!!!! They are awesome!! :-)
Anne might come out to stay with me for a little while this summer! When depends on if she decides to take a class in May or not! :-D Yeeeee! I am so excited! Annie I can't wait for you to come out and visit! We'll have tons of fun and you can help me enjoy this beautiful weather! And we can explore and go to the beach!! Yea!! And remember, if life doesn't always go the way you plan, God will lead you down the path that HE has planned for YOU, and of course, that always starts with the path of forgiveness. God for everyone and people for people. You have to forgive and be forgiven or you'll never be able to move on in life. I love ya girl! I'm ALWAYS here for you!!
And to Josh... here we are! 30 days gone!! And as always, we are persevering. We always get thru everything not only because we work together, but because God has blessed our marriage and He is behind us always. I cannot wait to finish the workbooks, Saving your Marriage before it Starts - by Les and Leslie Parrot (Thanks Anne and Lynne!!!) And ya know, I was thinking of that today as I thought about the workbooks... we really are working on saving it before it starts because, even tho we are already married, we haven't really been able to be married!! :-/ So, this is just more time for us to work together to make things stronger for our future, like we have been since day one. And I am so glad that it is you who God has chosen to be my partner thru it all. :-) Always by my side... I love you and miss you very much!! Iam looking forward to your call today! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo MUAH!! ~ Love Forever, Jess ~ Your loving wife...

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

1 Corinthians 13:7

Lol, I love this man because even tho he is everything I am not, our train of thought follow's the same path... :-P Isn't he HOTT?!?! ( Don't answer that....)
I wish I could make anything look good! Some ppl just look damn sexy in uniform.... mmmm mmmm mmmm......
Hey everybody! I figured that it was time for another update! Seems to happen everytime I get pictures!! :-) So, I am just waiting for Josh to call, fingers crossed he does today!!
Other than that, things are going well. Josh and I have been regularly communicating, normally by email, and every couple of days by telephone. He is doing fine, lots of things to do so, a little stessed. I think things are going to get better tho; or, @ least so I gathered from our last few conversations. :S

Ya know, it really feels like he has been gone forever but, someone asked me the other day how long he'd been gone and I thought about it and realized - he had only been gone 19 days (at that time.). It really made me sad but, after having a few days to think on it - that's 19 days done and gone! We're counting down and those days no longer matter, even tho it seemed so few. But, we'll get thru this; we'll persevere.
When we sent out our engagement/marriage announcements, we put a bible verse on the very last page along with a prayer request. The verse said, basically, "Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things. Love never fails." And the request pretty much said pray for us, for our marriage, for his safety, and pray that the time will go by quickly.

So ~ :-D I just got to talk to Josh! He's doing well and says hi to everyone!! They've been getting some pretty bad dust storms and it's really messing with his allergies! :( But, he is doing well and misses you all!
Well, gotta get back to work! Love you all!
And, Josh, I love you more!!! ~ Love forever, Jess

Sunday, March 04, 2007

My Love, My Life

Here we are again, at another one of those weekends that just flew by. I guess it's easy when Duty takes up all of your Saturday but, it's all good. It could always be worse, right? Besides, sitting there reading Harry Potter #5 all day made the time fly by.

Josh says that the time is flying for him. He's so busy out there! Since they just got there they got loads of work ahead of them! Eventually they will alternate 1/2 days off or something, like we did in WTI. Except, we don't getta spend our days off with each other. :(

But, time will fly. and sooner than later we will be in each others arms again. and I sure can't wait for that day!!

Good night, my love, my life. Sweet Dreams. I love and miss you more than you know, and I am off to meet you in your dreams....