Anyway, he is doing well, living each day as it comes!! He is unhappy tho, because he has been ORDERED (Joshua!) to stop doing EVERYTHING!! Which, if you know Josh, is impossible! But, his Top and Gunner are serious. They don't want him to continue to do everything for his guys anymore. They need to learn to live w/o him, because once they come back, Josh will be there for only a short time before he goes to 101 (with me!). So, they need to learn to live without their Golden Child, their Wizard, their Superman. :-) He is working on other things now! Like, (hopefully) looking for a site for the wedding and stuff like that! Playing his PSP, doing his workbook, ANYTHING. As long as he is not working. We'll see how long it lasts. :-) It's all a matter of who's will is stronger. And I think I know the answer to that one...
ANYWAY!! As for me, well, I'm just hanging out at work again! I am on Limited Duty so, I can't really do anything! So, I just mess around on the computer, waiting for the time to go by, emailing Josh, and hoping for his calls!
Well, I better go! Josh~ You are my heart... I love you with all of it!!!~ Love, me
p.s. Check out facebook!
p.p.s Guess who went to a Craig Morgan Concert last night? Ya, that'd be me! FRONT ROW!!
Hey, sounds like fun! I like Craig Morgan! We should go to one of his concerts when I get out there in.....34 days now! Can you tell I am excited?? I have already started making my packing list!!
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