Other than that, things are going well. Josh and I have been regularly communicating, normally by email, and every couple of days by telephone. He is doing fine, lots of things to do so, a little stessed. I think things are going to get better tho; or, @ least so I gathered from our last few conversations. :S
Ya know, it really feels like he has been gone forever but, someone asked me the other day how long he'd been gone and I thought about it and realized - he had only been gone 19 days (at that time.). It really made me sad but, after having a few days to think on it - that's 19 days done and gone! We're counting down and those days no longer matter, even tho it seemed so few. But, we'll get thru this; we'll persevere.
When we sent out our engagement/marriage announcements, we put a bible verse on the very last page along with a prayer request. The verse said, basically, "Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things. Love never fails." And the request pretty much said pray for us, for our marriage, for his safety, and pray that the time will go by quickly.
So ~ :-D I just got to talk to Josh! He's doing well and says hi to everyone!! They've been getting some pretty bad dust storms and it's really messing with his allergies! :( But, he is doing well and misses you all!
Well, gotta get back to work! Love you all!
And, Josh, I love you more!!! ~ Love forever, Jess
Hey Jess, you stole Ty and my's Bible verse!! I guess we can share it though.... anyway, I love you and I hope I get to see you SOON!!!!!
Hey Jess, I update the ty and I blog that is just mine now, pics for you! And I couldn't get pics on Ty and Is real blog, but I wrote a post about the trip! Check them out! annetteanetyler.blogspot.com and tylerandannette.blogspot.com
Hey check your email, I sent you two!! -Anne
your husband is a hottie!! ;) Hey time for an update chica! Let me know whats going on for you
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