Friday, June 16, 2006


hey everybody!! just droppin in to ask for a few prayer requests to be remembered in your prayers! The twins as they go thru the troubles of things changing when the least expected it this summer! And for Liz as she is going home! Pray for EVERYONE as summer keeps rolling along! Be safe and have fun! Miss and love you all!

p.s. don't forget to check out for the Twins happenings and for what's new with Lizzy Girl! :-D


Lynne Howard said...

hey jess, thanks for the prayers and for the explanation of marine lingo! Glad you are enjoying the book I sent! I am coming home this weekend, so kinda ticked and kinda happy to be home. Just wanted to say I miss and love you!!

Lynne Howard said...

hey girl! it's lynne! THANK YOU SOOOOOOO MUCH for the package you sent! it just made me so happy! i love the purse, so beautiful, my roomie (tana) wants one too! i told her she had to go to thailand :)! haha. and all the other awesome stuff you sent, oh yeah, we also liked the japanese newspapers! lol. and my parents liked the saki! hey girl, i'm havin a great time at camp, and i'm always praying for you. i told my campers about you last week. i hope you're havin fun and doin good, and not gettin too many tattoos! love

About Brandon said...


What's up?! How's life?

Just wanted to drop by to say "hi".

Your last post was very nice - you seem to be great at thinking about and caring for others. Keep it up.


Brandon & Jennifer