Saturday, February 10, 2007


Today Josh packs. It's really sad for both of us. I keep trying not to cry; my goal is to make it thru the weekend w/o crying. Because I am afraid if I do, I just won't be able to stop. So, we don't talk about him leaving.

:-) I did good! I bought him a PSP and Madden '07 to take with him on his trip! He is really excited about getting to play with it! Although, he was a little upset @ me because, well, they aren't really cheap! Lol! But, he'll get over it! I wanted to buy it for him! Heehee! My first "sneaky little wife present"!!! :-D

I'm gonna keep this short tho! He needs to pack this ocmputer and I'm gonna clean house a little while he packs, so that way we have the rest of the time to just spend with each other.

I'm also throwing in a few pictures of the cats! Sorry that they aren't very good- my camera is getting kinda old (and USED!) so, it acts up sometimes! But, they work! The gray one with her daddy is Pyro and the black fuzzy one is my baby, Aspen. (it was going to be snowball, but I liked Aspen better!)

Lots of love ~ Jess


Tyler & Annette said...

Yay for pics of your apartment and kitties and your new husband! Keep it up! Looks like a nice place and the kittens look very sweet and cuddly! I love ya girl!

Lynne Howard said...

hope you had a happy valentine's day :). i know it's your most favorite holiday ever! haha. well, since v-day is all about celebrating love, remember that i LOVE YOU! and Jesus loves you so much!